// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package atomic_test import ( "internal/goarch" "internal/runtime/atomic" "runtime" "testing" "unsafe" ) func runParallel(N, iter int, f func()) { defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(int(N))) done := make(chan bool) for i := 0; i < N; i++ { go func() { for j := 0; j < iter; j++ { f() } done <- true }() } for i := 0; i < N; i++ { <-done } } func TestXadduintptr(t *testing.T) { N := 20 iter := 100000 if testing.Short() { N = 10 iter = 10000 } inc := uintptr(100) total := uintptr(0) runParallel(N, iter, func() { atomic.Xadduintptr(&total, inc) }) if want := uintptr(N*iter) * inc; want != total { t.Fatalf("xadduintpr error, want %d, got %d", want, total) } total = 0 runParallel(N, iter, func() { atomic.Xadduintptr(&total, inc) atomic.Xadduintptr(&total, uintptr(-int64(inc))) }) if total != 0 { t.Fatalf("xadduintpr total error, want %d, got %d", 0, total) } } // Tests that xadduintptr correctly updates 64-bit values. The place where // we actually do so is mstats.go, functions mSysStat{Inc,Dec}. func TestXadduintptrOnUint64(t *testing.T) { if goarch.BigEndian { // On big endian architectures, we never use xadduintptr to update // 64-bit values and hence we skip the test. (Note that functions // mSysStat{Inc,Dec} in mstats.go have explicit checks for // big-endianness.) t.Skip("skip xadduintptr on big endian architecture") } const inc = 100 val := uint64(0) atomic.Xadduintptr((*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&val)), inc) if inc != val { t.Fatalf("xadduintptr should increase lower-order bits, want %d, got %d", inc, val) } } func shouldPanic(t *testing.T, name string, f func()) { defer func() { // Check that all GC maps are sane. runtime.GC() err := recover() want := "unaligned 64-bit atomic operation" if err == nil { t.Errorf("%s did not panic", name) } else if s, _ := err.(string); s != want { t.Errorf("%s: wanted panic %q, got %q", name, want, err) } }() f() } // Variant of sync/atomic's TestUnaligned64: func TestUnaligned64(t *testing.T) { // Unaligned 64-bit atomics on 32-bit systems are // a continual source of pain. Test that on 32-bit systems they crash // instead of failing silently. if unsafe.Sizeof(int(0)) != 4 { t.Skip("test only runs on 32-bit systems") } x := make([]uint32, 4) u := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x[0])) | 4) // force alignment to 4 up64 := (*uint64)(u) // misaligned p64 := (*int64)(u) // misaligned shouldPanic(t, "Load64", func() { atomic.Load64(up64) }) shouldPanic(t, "Loadint64", func() { atomic.Loadint64(p64) }) shouldPanic(t, "Store64", func() { atomic.Store64(up64, 0) }) shouldPanic(t, "Xadd64", func() { atomic.Xadd64(up64, 1) }) shouldPanic(t, "Xchg64", func() { atomic.Xchg64(up64, 1) }) shouldPanic(t, "Cas64", func() { atomic.Cas64(up64, 1, 2) }) } func TestAnd8(t *testing.T) { // Basic sanity check. x := uint8(0xff) for i := uint8(0); i < 8; i++ { atomic.And8(&x, ^(1 << i)) if r := uint8(0xff) << (i + 1); x != r { t.Fatalf("clearing bit %#x: want %#x, got %#x", uint8(1<