// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cmp_test import ( "cmp" "fmt" "math" "slices" "sort" "testing" "unsafe" ) var negzero = math.Copysign(0, -1) var nonnilptr uintptr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&negzero)) var nilptr uintptr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nil)) var tests = []struct { x, y any compare int }{ {1, 2, -1}, {1, 1, 0}, {2, 1, +1}, {"a", "aa", -1}, {"a", "a", 0}, {"aa", "a", +1}, {1.0, 1.1, -1}, {1.1, 1.1, 0}, {1.1, 1.0, +1}, {math.Inf(1), math.Inf(1), 0}, {math.Inf(-1), math.Inf(-1), 0}, {math.Inf(-1), 1.0, -1}, {1.0, math.Inf(-1), +1}, {math.Inf(1), 1.0, +1}, {1.0, math.Inf(1), -1}, {math.NaN(), math.NaN(), 0}, {0.0, math.NaN(), +1}, {math.NaN(), 0.0, -1}, {math.NaN(), math.Inf(-1), -1}, {math.Inf(-1), math.NaN(), +1}, {0.0, 0.0, 0}, {negzero, negzero, 0}, {negzero, 0.0, 0}, {0.0, negzero, 0}, {negzero, 1.0, -1}, {negzero, -1.0, +1}, {nilptr, nonnilptr, -1}, {nonnilptr, nilptr, 1}, {nonnilptr, nonnilptr, 0}, } func TestLess(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range tests { var b bool switch test.x.(type) { case int: b = cmp.Less(test.x.(int), test.y.(int)) case string: b = cmp.Less(test.x.(string), test.y.(string)) case float64: b = cmp.Less(test.x.(float64), test.y.(float64)) case uintptr: b = cmp.Less(test.x.(uintptr), test.y.(uintptr)) } if b != (test.compare < 0) { t.Errorf("Less(%v, %v) == %t, want %t", test.x, test.y, b, test.compare < 0) } } } func TestCompare(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range tests { var c int switch test.x.(type) { case int: c = cmp.Compare(test.x.(int), test.y.(int)) case string: c = cmp.Compare(test.x.(string), test.y.(string)) case float64: c = cmp.Compare(test.x.(float64), test.y.(float64)) case uintptr: c = cmp.Compare(test.x.(uintptr), test.y.(uintptr)) } if c != test.compare { t.Errorf("Compare(%v, %v) == %d, want %d", test.x, test.y, c, test.compare) } } } func TestSort(t *testing.T) { // Test that our comparison function is consistent with // sort.Float64s. input := []float64{1.0, 0.0, negzero, math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1), math.NaN()} sort.Float64s(input) for i := 0; i < len(input)-1; i++ { if cmp.Less(input[i+1], input[i]) { t.Errorf("Less sort mismatch at %d in %v", i, input) } if cmp.Compare(input[i], input[i+1]) > 0 { t.Errorf("Compare sort mismatch at %d in %v", i, input) } } } func TestOr(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { in []int want int }{ {nil, 0}, {[]int{0}, 0}, {[]int{1}, 1}, {[]int{0, 2}, 2}, {[]int{3, 0}, 3}, {[]int{4, 5}, 4}, {[]int{0, 6, 7}, 6}, } for _, tc := range cases { if got := cmp.Or(tc.in...); got != tc.want { t.Errorf("cmp.Or(%v) = %v; want %v", tc.in, got, tc.want) } } } func ExampleOr() { // Suppose we have some user input // that may or may not be an empty string userInput1 := "" userInput2 := "some text" fmt.Println(cmp.Or(userInput1, "default")) fmt.Println(cmp.Or(userInput2, "default")) fmt.Println(cmp.Or(userInput1, userInput2, "default")) // Output: // default // some text // some text } func ExampleOr_sort() { type Order struct { Product string Customer string Price float64 } orders := []Order{ {"foo", "alice", 1.00}, {"bar", "bob", 3.00}, {"baz", "carol", 4.00}, {"foo", "alice", 2.00}, {"bar", "carol", 1.00}, {"foo", "bob", 4.00}, } // Sort by customer first, product second, and last by higher price slices.SortFunc(orders, func(a, b Order) int { return cmp.Or( cmp.Compare(a.Customer, b.Customer), cmp.Compare(a.Product, b.Product), cmp.Compare(b.Price, a.Price), ) }) for _, order := range orders { fmt.Printf("%s %s %.2f\n", order.Product, order.Customer, order.Price) } // Output: // foo alice 2.00 // foo alice 1.00 // bar bob 3.00 // foo bob 4.00 // bar carol 1.00 // baz carol 4.00 }