Source file src/cmd/vendor/

     1  // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package tlog implements a tamper-evident log
     6  // used in the Go module go.sum database server.
     7  //
     8  // This package follows the design of Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962)
     9  // and its proofs are compatible with that system.
    10  // See TestCertificateTransparency.
    11  package tlog
    13  import (
    14  	"crypto/sha256"
    15  	"encoding/base64"
    16  	"errors"
    17  	"fmt"
    18  	"math/bits"
    19  )
    21  // A Hash is a hash identifying a log record or tree root.
    22  type Hash [HashSize]byte
    24  // HashSize is the size of a Hash in bytes.
    25  const HashSize = 32
    27  // String returns a base64 representation of the hash for printing.
    28  func (h Hash) String() string {
    29  	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h[:])
    30  }
    32  // MarshalJSON marshals the hash as a JSON string containing the base64-encoded hash.
    33  func (h Hash) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    34  	return []byte(`"` + h.String() + `"`), nil
    35  }
    37  // UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a hash from JSON string containing the a base64-encoded hash.
    38  func (h *Hash) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    39  	if len(data) != 1+44+1 || data[0] != '"' || data[len(data)-2] != '=' || data[len(data)-1] != '"' {
    40  		return errors.New("cannot decode hash")
    41  	}
    43  	// As of Go 1.12, base64.StdEncoding.Decode insists on
    44  	// slicing into target[33:] even when it only writes 32 bytes.
    45  	// Since we already checked that the hash ends in = above,
    46  	// we can use base64.RawStdEncoding with the = removed;
    47  	// RawStdEncoding does not exhibit the same bug.
    48  	// We decode into a temporary to avoid writing anything to *h
    49  	// unless the entire input is well-formed.
    50  	var tmp Hash
    51  	n, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.Decode(tmp[:], data[1:len(data)-2])
    52  	if err != nil || n != HashSize {
    53  		return errors.New("cannot decode hash")
    54  	}
    55  	*h = tmp
    56  	return nil
    57  }
    59  // ParseHash parses the base64-encoded string form of a hash.
    60  func ParseHash(s string) (Hash, error) {
    61  	data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s)
    62  	if err != nil || len(data) != HashSize {
    63  		return Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("malformed hash")
    64  	}
    65  	var h Hash
    66  	copy(h[:], data)
    67  	return h, nil
    68  }
    70  // maxpow2 returns k, the maximum power of 2 smaller than n,
    71  // as well as l = log₂ k (so k = 1<<l).
    72  func maxpow2(n int64) (k int64, l int) {
    73  	l = 0
    74  	for 1<<uint(l+1) < n {
    75  		l++
    76  	}
    77  	return 1 << uint(l), l
    78  }
    80  var zeroPrefix = []byte{0x00}
    82  // RecordHash returns the content hash for the given record data.
    83  func RecordHash(data []byte) Hash {
    84  	// SHA256(0x00 || data)
    85  	//
    86  	h := sha256.New()
    87  	h.Write(zeroPrefix)
    88  	h.Write(data)
    89  	var h1 Hash
    90  	h.Sum(h1[:0])
    91  	return h1
    92  }
    94  // NodeHash returns the hash for an interior tree node with the given left and right hashes.
    95  func NodeHash(left, right Hash) Hash {
    96  	// SHA256(0x01 || left || right)
    97  	//
    98  	// We use a stack buffer to assemble the hash input
    99  	// to avoid allocating a hash struct with sha256.New.
   100  	var buf [1 + HashSize + HashSize]byte
   101  	buf[0] = 0x01
   102  	copy(buf[1:], left[:])
   103  	copy(buf[1+HashSize:], right[:])
   104  	return sha256.Sum256(buf[:])
   105  }
   107  // For information about the stored hash index ordering,
   108  // see section 3.3 of Crosby and Wallach's paper
   109  // "Efficient Data Structures for Tamper-Evident Logging".
   110  //
   112  // StoredHashIndex maps the tree coordinates (level, n)
   113  // to a dense linear ordering that can be used for hash storage.
   114  // Hash storage implementations that store hashes in sequential
   115  // storage can use this function to compute where to read or write
   116  // a given hash.
   117  func StoredHashIndex(level int, n int64) int64 {
   118  	// Level L's n'th hash is written right after level L+1's 2n+1'th hash.
   119  	// Work our way down to the level 0 ordering.
   120  	// We'll add back the original level count at the end.
   121  	for l := level; l > 0; l-- {
   122  		n = 2*n + 1
   123  	}
   125  	// Level 0's n'th hash is written at n+n/2+n/4+... (eventually n/2ⁱ hits zero).
   126  	i := int64(0)
   127  	for ; n > 0; n >>= 1 {
   128  		i += n
   129  	}
   131  	return i + int64(level)
   132  }
   134  // SplitStoredHashIndex is the inverse of [StoredHashIndex].
   135  // That is, SplitStoredHashIndex(StoredHashIndex(level, n)) == level, n.
   136  func SplitStoredHashIndex(index int64) (level int, n int64) {
   137  	// Determine level 0 record before index.
   138  	// StoredHashIndex(0, n) < 2*n,
   139  	// so the n we want is in [index/2, index/2+log₂(index)].
   140  	n = index / 2
   141  	indexN := StoredHashIndex(0, n)
   142  	if indexN > index {
   143  		panic("bad math")
   144  	}
   145  	for {
   146  		// Each new record n adds 1 + trailingZeros(n) hashes.
   147  		x := indexN + 1 + int64(bits.TrailingZeros64(uint64(n+1)))
   148  		if x > index {
   149  			break
   150  		}
   151  		n++
   152  		indexN = x
   153  	}
   154  	// The hash we want was committed with record n,
   155  	// meaning it is one of (0, n), (1, n/2), (2, n/4), ...
   156  	level = int(index - indexN)
   157  	return level, n >> uint(level)
   158  }
   160  // StoredHashCount returns the number of stored hashes
   161  // that are expected for a tree with n records.
   162  func StoredHashCount(n int64) int64 {
   163  	if n == 0 {
   164  		return 0
   165  	}
   166  	// The tree will have the hashes up to the last leaf hash.
   167  	numHash := StoredHashIndex(0, n-1) + 1
   168  	// And it will have any hashes for subtrees completed by that leaf.
   169  	for i := uint64(n - 1); i&1 != 0; i >>= 1 {
   170  		numHash++
   171  	}
   172  	return numHash
   173  }
   175  // StoredHashes returns the hashes that must be stored when writing
   176  // record n with the given data. The hashes should be stored starting
   177  // at StoredHashIndex(0, n). The result will have at most 1 + log₂ n hashes,
   178  // but it will average just under two per call for a sequence of calls for n=1..k.
   179  //
   180  // StoredHashes may read up to log n earlier hashes from r
   181  // in order to compute hashes for completed subtrees.
   182  func StoredHashes(n int64, data []byte, r HashReader) ([]Hash, error) {
   183  	return StoredHashesForRecordHash(n, RecordHash(data), r)
   184  }
   186  // StoredHashesForRecordHash is like [StoredHashes] but takes
   187  // as its second argument RecordHash(data) instead of data itself.
   188  func StoredHashesForRecordHash(n int64, h Hash, r HashReader) ([]Hash, error) {
   189  	// Start with the record hash.
   190  	hashes := []Hash{h}
   192  	// Build list of indexes needed for hashes for completed subtrees.
   193  	// Each trailing 1 bit in the binary representation of n completes a subtree
   194  	// and consumes a hash from an adjacent subtree.
   195  	m := int(bits.TrailingZeros64(uint64(n + 1)))
   196  	indexes := make([]int64, m)
   197  	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
   198  		// We arrange indexes in sorted order.
   199  		// Note that n>>i is always odd.
   200  		indexes[m-1-i] = StoredHashIndex(i, n>>uint(i)-1)
   201  	}
   203  	// Fetch hashes.
   204  	old, err := r.ReadHashes(indexes)
   205  	if err != nil {
   206  		return nil, err
   207  	}
   208  	if len(old) != len(indexes) {
   209  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tlog: ReadHashes(%d indexes) = %d hashes", len(indexes), len(old))
   210  	}
   212  	// Build new hashes.
   213  	for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
   214  		h = NodeHash(old[m-1-i], h)
   215  		hashes = append(hashes, h)
   216  	}
   217  	return hashes, nil
   218  }
   220  // A HashReader can read hashes for nodes in the log's tree structure.
   221  type HashReader interface {
   222  	// ReadHashes returns the hashes with the given stored hash indexes
   223  	// (see StoredHashIndex and SplitStoredHashIndex).
   224  	// ReadHashes must return a slice of hashes the same length as indexes,
   225  	// or else it must return a non-nil error.
   226  	// ReadHashes may run faster if indexes is sorted in increasing order.
   227  	ReadHashes(indexes []int64) ([]Hash, error)
   228  }
   230  // A HashReaderFunc is a function implementing [HashReader].
   231  type HashReaderFunc func([]int64) ([]Hash, error)
   233  func (f HashReaderFunc) ReadHashes(indexes []int64) ([]Hash, error) {
   234  	return f(indexes)
   235  }
   237  // emptyHash is the hash of the empty tree, per RFC 6962, Section 2.1.
   238  // It is the hash of the empty string.
   239  var emptyHash = Hash{
   240  	0xe3, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x42, 0x98, 0xfc, 0x1c, 0x14,
   241  	0x9a, 0xfb, 0xf4, 0xc8, 0x99, 0x6f, 0xb9, 0x24,
   242  	0x27, 0xae, 0x41, 0xe4, 0x64, 0x9b, 0x93, 0x4c,
   243  	0xa4, 0x95, 0x99, 0x1b, 0x78, 0x52, 0xb8, 0x55,
   244  }
   246  // TreeHash computes the hash for the root of the tree with n records,
   247  // using the HashReader to obtain previously stored hashes
   248  // (those returned by StoredHashes during the writes of those n records).
   249  // TreeHash makes a single call to ReadHash requesting at most 1 + log₂ n hashes.
   250  func TreeHash(n int64, r HashReader) (Hash, error) {
   251  	if n == 0 {
   252  		return emptyHash, nil
   253  	}
   254  	indexes := subTreeIndex(0, n, nil)
   255  	hashes, err := r.ReadHashes(indexes)
   256  	if err != nil {
   257  		return Hash{}, err
   258  	}
   259  	if len(hashes) != len(indexes) {
   260  		return Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("tlog: ReadHashes(%d indexes) = %d hashes", len(indexes), len(hashes))
   261  	}
   262  	hash, hashes := subTreeHash(0, n, hashes)
   263  	if len(hashes) != 0 {
   264  		panic("tlog: bad index math in TreeHash")
   265  	}
   266  	return hash, nil
   267  }
   269  // subTreeIndex returns the storage indexes needed to compute
   270  // the hash for the subtree containing records [lo, hi),
   271  // appending them to need and returning the result.
   272  // See
   273  func subTreeIndex(lo, hi int64, need []int64) []int64 {
   274  	// See subTreeHash below for commentary.
   275  	for lo < hi {
   276  		k, level := maxpow2(hi - lo + 1)
   277  		if lo&(k-1) != 0 {
   278  			panic("tlog: bad math in subTreeIndex")
   279  		}
   280  		need = append(need, StoredHashIndex(level, lo>>uint(level)))
   281  		lo += k
   282  	}
   283  	return need
   284  }
   286  // subTreeHash computes the hash for the subtree containing records [lo, hi),
   287  // assuming that hashes are the hashes corresponding to the indexes
   288  // returned by subTreeIndex(lo, hi).
   289  // It returns any leftover hashes.
   290  func subTreeHash(lo, hi int64, hashes []Hash) (Hash, []Hash) {
   291  	// Repeatedly partition the tree into a left side with 2^level nodes,
   292  	// for as large a level as possible, and a right side with the fringe.
   293  	// The left hash is stored directly and can be read from storage.
   294  	// The right side needs further computation.
   295  	numTree := 0
   296  	for lo < hi {
   297  		k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo + 1)
   298  		if lo&(k-1) != 0 || lo >= hi {
   299  			panic("tlog: bad math in subTreeHash")
   300  		}
   301  		numTree++
   302  		lo += k
   303  	}
   305  	if len(hashes) < numTree {
   306  		panic("tlog: bad index math in subTreeHash")
   307  	}
   309  	// Reconstruct hash.
   310  	h := hashes[numTree-1]
   311  	for i := numTree - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
   312  		h = NodeHash(hashes[i], h)
   313  	}
   314  	return h, hashes[numTree:]
   315  }
   317  // A RecordProof is a verifiable proof that a particular log root contains a particular record.
   318  // RFC 6962 calls this a “Merkle audit path.”
   319  type RecordProof []Hash
   321  // ProveRecord returns the proof that the tree of size t contains the record with index n.
   322  func ProveRecord(t, n int64, r HashReader) (RecordProof, error) {
   323  	if t < 0 || n < 0 || n >= t {
   324  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tlog: invalid inputs in ProveRecord")
   325  	}
   326  	indexes := leafProofIndex(0, t, n, nil)
   327  	if len(indexes) == 0 {
   328  		return RecordProof{}, nil
   329  	}
   330  	hashes, err := r.ReadHashes(indexes)
   331  	if err != nil {
   332  		return nil, err
   333  	}
   334  	if len(hashes) != len(indexes) {
   335  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tlog: ReadHashes(%d indexes) = %d hashes", len(indexes), len(hashes))
   336  	}
   338  	p, hashes := leafProof(0, t, n, hashes)
   339  	if len(hashes) != 0 {
   340  		panic("tlog: bad index math in ProveRecord")
   341  	}
   342  	return p, nil
   343  }
   345  // leafProofIndex builds the list of indexes needed to construct the proof
   346  // that leaf n is contained in the subtree with leaves [lo, hi).
   347  // It appends those indexes to need and returns the result.
   348  // See
   349  func leafProofIndex(lo, hi, n int64, need []int64) []int64 {
   350  	// See leafProof below for commentary.
   351  	if !(lo <= n && n < hi) {
   352  		panic("tlog: bad math in leafProofIndex")
   353  	}
   354  	if lo+1 == hi {
   355  		return need
   356  	}
   357  	if k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo); n < lo+k {
   358  		need = leafProofIndex(lo, lo+k, n, need)
   359  		need = subTreeIndex(lo+k, hi, need)
   360  	} else {
   361  		need = subTreeIndex(lo, lo+k, need)
   362  		need = leafProofIndex(lo+k, hi, n, need)
   363  	}
   364  	return need
   365  }
   367  // leafProof constructs the proof that leaf n is contained in the subtree with leaves [lo, hi).
   368  // It returns any leftover hashes as well.
   369  // See
   370  func leafProof(lo, hi, n int64, hashes []Hash) (RecordProof, []Hash) {
   371  	// We must have lo <= n < hi or else the code here has a bug.
   372  	if !(lo <= n && n < hi) {
   373  		panic("tlog: bad math in leafProof")
   374  	}
   376  	if lo+1 == hi { // n == lo
   377  		// Reached the leaf node.
   378  		// The verifier knows what the leaf hash is, so we don't need to send it.
   379  		return RecordProof{}, hashes
   380  	}
   382  	// Walk down the tree toward n.
   383  	// Record the hash of the path not taken (needed for verifying the proof).
   384  	var p RecordProof
   385  	var th Hash
   386  	if k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo); n < lo+k {
   387  		// n is on left side
   388  		p, hashes = leafProof(lo, lo+k, n, hashes)
   389  		th, hashes = subTreeHash(lo+k, hi, hashes)
   390  	} else {
   391  		// n is on right side
   392  		th, hashes = subTreeHash(lo, lo+k, hashes)
   393  		p, hashes = leafProof(lo+k, hi, n, hashes)
   394  	}
   395  	return append(p, th), hashes
   396  }
   398  var errProofFailed = errors.New("invalid transparency proof")
   400  // CheckRecord verifies that p is a valid proof that the tree of size t
   401  // with hash th has an n'th record with hash h.
   402  func CheckRecord(p RecordProof, t int64, th Hash, n int64, h Hash) error {
   403  	if t < 0 || n < 0 || n >= t {
   404  		return fmt.Errorf("tlog: invalid inputs in CheckRecord")
   405  	}
   406  	th2, err := runRecordProof(p, 0, t, n, h)
   407  	if err != nil {
   408  		return err
   409  	}
   410  	if th2 == th {
   411  		return nil
   412  	}
   413  	return errProofFailed
   414  }
   416  // runRecordProof runs the proof p that leaf n is contained in the subtree with leaves [lo, hi).
   417  // Running the proof means constructing and returning the implied hash of that
   418  // subtree.
   419  func runRecordProof(p RecordProof, lo, hi, n int64, leafHash Hash) (Hash, error) {
   420  	// We must have lo <= n < hi or else the code here has a bug.
   421  	if !(lo <= n && n < hi) {
   422  		panic("tlog: bad math in runRecordProof")
   423  	}
   425  	if lo+1 == hi { // m == lo
   426  		// Reached the leaf node.
   427  		// The proof must not have any unnecessary hashes.
   428  		if len(p) != 0 {
   429  			return Hash{}, errProofFailed
   430  		}
   431  		return leafHash, nil
   432  	}
   434  	if len(p) == 0 {
   435  		return Hash{}, errProofFailed
   436  	}
   438  	k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo)
   439  	if n < lo+k {
   440  		th, err := runRecordProof(p[:len(p)-1], lo, lo+k, n, leafHash)
   441  		if err != nil {
   442  			return Hash{}, err
   443  		}
   444  		return NodeHash(th, p[len(p)-1]), nil
   445  	} else {
   446  		th, err := runRecordProof(p[:len(p)-1], lo+k, hi, n, leafHash)
   447  		if err != nil {
   448  			return Hash{}, err
   449  		}
   450  		return NodeHash(p[len(p)-1], th), nil
   451  	}
   452  }
   454  // A TreeProof is a verifiable proof that a particular log tree contains
   455  // as a prefix all records present in an earlier tree.
   456  // RFC 6962 calls this a “Merkle consistency proof.”
   457  type TreeProof []Hash
   459  // ProveTree returns the proof that the tree of size t contains
   460  // as a prefix all the records from the tree of smaller size n.
   461  func ProveTree(t, n int64, h HashReader) (TreeProof, error) {
   462  	if t < 1 || n < 1 || n > t {
   463  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tlog: invalid inputs in ProveTree")
   464  	}
   465  	indexes := treeProofIndex(0, t, n, nil)
   466  	if len(indexes) == 0 {
   467  		return TreeProof{}, nil
   468  	}
   469  	hashes, err := h.ReadHashes(indexes)
   470  	if err != nil {
   471  		return nil, err
   472  	}
   473  	if len(hashes) != len(indexes) {
   474  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("tlog: ReadHashes(%d indexes) = %d hashes", len(indexes), len(hashes))
   475  	}
   477  	p, hashes := treeProof(0, t, n, hashes)
   478  	if len(hashes) != 0 {
   479  		panic("tlog: bad index math in ProveTree")
   480  	}
   481  	return p, nil
   482  }
   484  // treeProofIndex builds the list of indexes needed to construct
   485  // the sub-proof related to the subtree containing records [lo, hi).
   486  // See
   487  func treeProofIndex(lo, hi, n int64, need []int64) []int64 {
   488  	// See treeProof below for commentary.
   489  	if !(lo < n && n <= hi) {
   490  		panic("tlog: bad math in treeProofIndex")
   491  	}
   493  	if n == hi {
   494  		if lo == 0 {
   495  			return need
   496  		}
   497  		return subTreeIndex(lo, hi, need)
   498  	}
   500  	if k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo); n <= lo+k {
   501  		need = treeProofIndex(lo, lo+k, n, need)
   502  		need = subTreeIndex(lo+k, hi, need)
   503  	} else {
   504  		need = subTreeIndex(lo, lo+k, need)
   505  		need = treeProofIndex(lo+k, hi, n, need)
   506  	}
   507  	return need
   508  }
   510  // treeProof constructs the sub-proof related to the subtree containing records [lo, hi).
   511  // It returns any leftover hashes as well.
   512  // See
   513  func treeProof(lo, hi, n int64, hashes []Hash) (TreeProof, []Hash) {
   514  	// We must have lo < n <= hi or else the code here has a bug.
   515  	if !(lo < n && n <= hi) {
   516  		panic("tlog: bad math in treeProof")
   517  	}
   519  	// Reached common ground.
   520  	if n == hi {
   521  		if lo == 0 {
   522  			// This subtree corresponds exactly to the old tree.
   523  			// The verifier knows that hash, so we don't need to send it.
   524  			return TreeProof{}, hashes
   525  		}
   526  		th, hashes := subTreeHash(lo, hi, hashes)
   527  		return TreeProof{th}, hashes
   528  	}
   530  	// Interior node for the proof.
   531  	// Decide whether to walk down the left or right side.
   532  	var p TreeProof
   533  	var th Hash
   534  	if k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo); n <= lo+k {
   535  		// m is on left side
   536  		p, hashes = treeProof(lo, lo+k, n, hashes)
   537  		th, hashes = subTreeHash(lo+k, hi, hashes)
   538  	} else {
   539  		// m is on right side
   540  		th, hashes = subTreeHash(lo, lo+k, hashes)
   541  		p, hashes = treeProof(lo+k, hi, n, hashes)
   542  	}
   543  	return append(p, th), hashes
   544  }
   546  // CheckTree verifies that p is a valid proof that the tree of size t with hash th
   547  // contains as a prefix the tree of size n with hash h.
   548  func CheckTree(p TreeProof, t int64, th Hash, n int64, h Hash) error {
   549  	if t < 1 || n < 1 || n > t {
   550  		return fmt.Errorf("tlog: invalid inputs in CheckTree")
   551  	}
   552  	h2, th2, err := runTreeProof(p, 0, t, n, h)
   553  	if err != nil {
   554  		return err
   555  	}
   556  	if th2 == th && h2 == h {
   557  		return nil
   558  	}
   559  	return errProofFailed
   560  }
   562  // runTreeProof runs the sub-proof p related to the subtree containing records [lo, hi),
   563  // where old is the hash of the old tree with n records.
   564  // Running the proof means constructing and returning the implied hashes of that
   565  // subtree in both the old and new tree.
   566  func runTreeProof(p TreeProof, lo, hi, n int64, old Hash) (Hash, Hash, error) {
   567  	// We must have lo < n <= hi or else the code here has a bug.
   568  	if !(lo < n && n <= hi) {
   569  		panic("tlog: bad math in runTreeProof")
   570  	}
   572  	// Reached common ground.
   573  	if n == hi {
   574  		if lo == 0 {
   575  			if len(p) != 0 {
   576  				return Hash{}, Hash{}, errProofFailed
   577  			}
   578  			return old, old, nil
   579  		}
   580  		if len(p) != 1 {
   581  			return Hash{}, Hash{}, errProofFailed
   582  		}
   583  		return p[0], p[0], nil
   584  	}
   586  	if len(p) == 0 {
   587  		return Hash{}, Hash{}, errProofFailed
   588  	}
   590  	// Interior node for the proof.
   591  	k, _ := maxpow2(hi - lo)
   592  	if n <= lo+k {
   593  		oh, th, err := runTreeProof(p[:len(p)-1], lo, lo+k, n, old)
   594  		if err != nil {
   595  			return Hash{}, Hash{}, err
   596  		}
   597  		return oh, NodeHash(th, p[len(p)-1]), nil
   598  	} else {
   599  		oh, th, err := runTreeProof(p[:len(p)-1], lo+k, hi, n, old)
   600  		if err != nil {
   601  			return Hash{}, Hash{}, err
   602  		}
   603  		return NodeHash(p[len(p)-1], oh), NodeHash(p[len(p)-1], th), nil
   604  	}
   605  }

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