// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This file implements typechecking of builtin function calls. package types2 import ( "cmd/compile/internal/syntax" "go/constant" "go/token" . "internal/types/errors" ) // builtin type-checks a call to the built-in specified by id and // reports whether the call is valid, with *x holding the result; // but x.expr is not set. If the call is invalid, the result is // false, and *x is undefined. func (check *Checker) builtin(x *operand, call *syntax.CallExpr, id builtinId) (_ bool) { argList := call.ArgList // append is the only built-in that permits the use of ... for the last argument bin := predeclaredFuncs[id] if hasDots(call) && id != _Append { check.errorf(dddErrPos(call), InvalidDotDotDot, invalidOp+"invalid use of ... with built-in %s", bin.name) check.use(argList...) return } // For len(x) and cap(x) we need to know if x contains any function calls or // receive operations. Save/restore current setting and set hasCallOrRecv to // false for the evaluation of x so that we can check it afterwards. // Note: We must do this _before_ calling exprList because exprList evaluates // all arguments. if id == _Len || id == _Cap { defer func(b bool) { check.hasCallOrRecv = b }(check.hasCallOrRecv) check.hasCallOrRecv = false } // Evaluate arguments for built-ins that use ordinary (value) arguments. // For built-ins with special argument handling (make, new, etc.), // evaluation is done by the respective built-in code. var args []*operand // not valid for _Make, _New, _Offsetof, _Trace var nargs int switch id { default: // check all arguments args = check.exprList(argList) nargs = len(args) for _, a := range args { if a.mode == invalid { return } } // first argument is always in x if nargs > 0 { *x = *args[0] } case _Make, _New, _Offsetof, _Trace: // arguments require special handling nargs = len(argList) } // check argument count { msg := "" if nargs < bin.nargs { msg = "not enough" } else if !bin.variadic && nargs > bin.nargs { msg = "too many" } if msg != "" { check.errorf(argErrPos(call), WrongArgCount, invalidOp+"%s arguments for %v (expected %d, found %d)", msg, call, bin.nargs, nargs) return } } switch id { case _Append: // append(s S, x ...T) S, where T is the element type of S // spec: "The variadic function append appends zero or more values x to s of type // S, which must be a slice type, and returns the resulting slice, also of type S. // The values x are passed to a parameter of type ...T where T is the element type // of S and the respective parameter passing rules apply." S := x.typ var T Type if s, _ := coreType(S).(*Slice); s != nil { T = s.elem } else { var cause string switch { case x.isNil(): cause = "have untyped nil" case isTypeParam(S): if u := coreType(S); u != nil { cause = check.sprintf("%s has core type %s", x, u) } else { cause = check.sprintf("%s has no core type", x) } default: cause = check.sprintf("have %s", x) } // don't use invalidArg prefix here as it would repeat "argument" in the error message check.errorf(x, InvalidAppend, "first argument to append must be a slice; %s", cause) return } // spec: "As a special case, append also accepts a first argument assignable // to type []byte with a second argument of string type followed by ... . // This form appends the bytes of the string. if nargs == 2 && hasDots(call) { if ok, _ := x.assignableTo(check, NewSlice(universeByte), nil); ok { y := args[1] if t := coreString(y.typ); t != nil && isString(t) { if check.recordTypes() { sig := makeSig(S, S, y.typ) sig.variadic = true check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, sig) } x.mode = value x.typ = S break } } } // check general case by creating custom signature sig := makeSig(S, S, NewSlice(T)) // []T required for variadic signature sig.variadic = true check.arguments(call, sig, nil, nil, args, nil, nil) // discard result (we know the result type) // ok to continue even if check.arguments reported errors x.mode = value x.typ = S if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, sig) } case _Cap, _Len: // cap(x) // len(x) mode := invalid var val constant.Value switch t := arrayPtrDeref(under(x.typ)).(type) { case *Basic: if isString(t) && id == _Len { if x.mode == constant_ { mode = constant_ val = constant.MakeInt64(int64(len(constant.StringVal(x.val)))) } else { mode = value } } case *Array: mode = value // spec: "The expressions len(s) and cap(s) are constants // if the type of s is an array or pointer to an array and // the expression s does not contain channel receives or // function calls; in this case s is not evaluated." if !check.hasCallOrRecv { mode = constant_ if t.len >= 0 { val = constant.MakeInt64(t.len) } else { val = constant.MakeUnknown() } } case *Slice, *Chan: mode = value case *Map: if id == _Len { mode = value } case *Interface: if !isTypeParam(x.typ) { break } if t.typeSet().underIs(func(t Type) bool { switch t := arrayPtrDeref(t).(type) { case *Basic: if isString(t) && id == _Len { return true } case *Array, *Slice, *Chan: return true case *Map: if id == _Len { return true } } return false }) { mode = value } } if mode == invalid { // avoid error if underlying type is invalid if isValid(under(x.typ)) { code := InvalidCap if id == _Len { code = InvalidLen } check.errorf(x, code, invalidArg+"%s for built-in %s", x, bin.name) } return } // record the signature before changing x.typ if check.recordTypes() && mode != constant_ { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(Typ[Int], x.typ)) } x.mode = mode x.typ = Typ[Int] x.val = val case _Clear: // clear(m) check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_21, "clear") if !underIs(x.typ, func(u Type) bool { switch u.(type) { case *Map, *Slice: return true } check.errorf(x, InvalidClear, invalidArg+"cannot clear %s: argument must be (or constrained by) map or slice", x) return false }) { return } x.mode = novalue if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(nil, x.typ)) } case _Close: // close(c) if !underIs(x.typ, func(u Type) bool { uch, _ := u.(*Chan) if uch == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidClose, invalidOp+"cannot close non-channel %s", x) return false } if uch.dir == RecvOnly { check.errorf(x, InvalidClose, invalidOp+"cannot close receive-only channel %s", x) return false } return true }) { return } x.mode = novalue if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(nil, x.typ)) } case _Complex: // complex(x, y floatT) complexT y := args[1] // convert or check untyped arguments d := 0 if isUntyped(x.typ) { d |= 1 } if isUntyped(y.typ) { d |= 2 } switch d { case 0: // x and y are typed => nothing to do case 1: // only x is untyped => convert to type of y check.convertUntyped(x, y.typ) case 2: // only y is untyped => convert to type of x check.convertUntyped(y, x.typ) case 3: // x and y are untyped => // 1) if both are constants, convert them to untyped // floating-point numbers if possible, // 2) if one of them is not constant (possible because // it contains a shift that is yet untyped), convert // both of them to float64 since they must have the // same type to succeed (this will result in an error // because shifts of floats are not permitted) if x.mode == constant_ && y.mode == constant_ { toFloat := func(x *operand) { if isNumeric(x.typ) && constant.Sign(constant.Imag(x.val)) == 0 { x.typ = Typ[UntypedFloat] } } toFloat(x) toFloat(y) } else { check.convertUntyped(x, Typ[Float64]) check.convertUntyped(y, Typ[Float64]) // x and y should be invalid now, but be conservative // and check below } } if x.mode == invalid || y.mode == invalid { return } // both argument types must be identical if !Identical(x.typ, y.typ) { check.errorf(x, InvalidComplex, invalidOp+"%v (mismatched types %s and %s)", call, x.typ, y.typ) return } // the argument types must be of floating-point type // (applyTypeFunc never calls f with a type parameter) f := func(typ Type) Type { assert(!isTypeParam(typ)) if t, _ := under(typ).(*Basic); t != nil { switch t.kind { case Float32: return Typ[Complex64] case Float64: return Typ[Complex128] case UntypedFloat: return Typ[UntypedComplex] } } return nil } resTyp := check.applyTypeFunc(f, x, id) if resTyp == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidComplex, invalidArg+"arguments have type %s, expected floating-point", x.typ) return } // if both arguments are constants, the result is a constant if x.mode == constant_ && y.mode == constant_ { x.val = constant.BinaryOp(constant.ToFloat(x.val), token.ADD, constant.MakeImag(constant.ToFloat(y.val))) } else { x.mode = value } if check.recordTypes() && x.mode != constant_ { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(resTyp, x.typ, x.typ)) } x.typ = resTyp case _Copy: // copy(x, y []T) int dst, _ := coreType(x.typ).(*Slice) y := args[1] src0 := coreString(y.typ) if src0 != nil && isString(src0) { src0 = NewSlice(universeByte) } src, _ := src0.(*Slice) if dst == nil || src == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidCopy, invalidArg+"copy expects slice arguments; found %s and %s", x, y) return } if !Identical(dst.elem, src.elem) { check.errorf(x, InvalidCopy, invalidArg+"arguments to copy %s and %s have different element types %s and %s", x, y, dst.elem, src.elem) return } if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(Typ[Int], x.typ, y.typ)) } x.mode = value x.typ = Typ[Int] case _Delete: // delete(map_, key) // map_ must be a map type or a type parameter describing map types. // The key cannot be a type parameter for now. map_ := x.typ var key Type if !underIs(map_, func(u Type) bool { map_, _ := u.(*Map) if map_ == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidDelete, invalidArg+"%s is not a map", x) return false } if key != nil && !Identical(map_.key, key) { check.errorf(x, InvalidDelete, invalidArg+"maps of %s must have identical key types", x) return false } key = map_.key return true }) { return } *x = *args[1] // key check.assignment(x, key, "argument to delete") if x.mode == invalid { return } x.mode = novalue if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(nil, map_, key)) } case _Imag, _Real: // imag(complexT) floatT // real(complexT) floatT // convert or check untyped argument if isUntyped(x.typ) { if x.mode == constant_ { // an untyped constant number can always be considered // as a complex constant if isNumeric(x.typ) { x.typ = Typ[UntypedComplex] } } else { // an untyped non-constant argument may appear if // it contains a (yet untyped non-constant) shift // expression: convert it to complex128 which will // result in an error (shift of complex value) check.convertUntyped(x, Typ[Complex128]) // x should be invalid now, but be conservative and check if x.mode == invalid { return } } } // the argument must be of complex type // (applyTypeFunc never calls f with a type parameter) f := func(typ Type) Type { assert(!isTypeParam(typ)) if t, _ := under(typ).(*Basic); t != nil { switch t.kind { case Complex64: return Typ[Float32] case Complex128: return Typ[Float64] case UntypedComplex: return Typ[UntypedFloat] } } return nil } resTyp := check.applyTypeFunc(f, x, id) if resTyp == nil { code := InvalidImag if id == _Real { code = InvalidReal } check.errorf(x, code, invalidArg+"argument has type %s, expected complex type", x.typ) return } // if the argument is a constant, the result is a constant if x.mode == constant_ { if id == _Real { x.val = constant.Real(x.val) } else { x.val = constant.Imag(x.val) } } else { x.mode = value } if check.recordTypes() && x.mode != constant_ { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(resTyp, x.typ)) } x.typ = resTyp case _Make: // make(T, n) // make(T, n, m) // (no argument evaluated yet) arg0 := argList[0] T := check.varType(arg0) if !isValid(T) { return } var min int // minimum number of arguments switch coreType(T).(type) { case *Slice: min = 2 case *Map, *Chan: min = 1 case nil: check.errorf(arg0, InvalidMake, invalidArg+"cannot make %s: no core type", arg0) return default: check.errorf(arg0, InvalidMake, invalidArg+"cannot make %s; type must be slice, map, or channel", arg0) return } if nargs < min || min+1 < nargs { check.errorf(call, WrongArgCount, invalidOp+"%v expects %d or %d arguments; found %d", call, min, min+1, nargs) return } types := []Type{T} var sizes []int64 // constant integer arguments, if any for _, arg := range argList[1:] { typ, size := check.index(arg, -1) // ok to continue with typ == Typ[Invalid] types = append(types, typ) if size >= 0 { sizes = append(sizes, size) } } if len(sizes) == 2 && sizes[0] > sizes[1] { check.error(argList[1], SwappedMakeArgs, invalidArg+"length and capacity swapped") // safe to continue } x.mode = value x.typ = T if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, types...)) } case _Max, _Min: // max(x, ...) // min(x, ...) check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_21, "built-in %s", bin.name) op := token.LSS if id == _Max { op = token.GTR } for i, a := range args { if a.mode == invalid { return } if !allOrdered(a.typ) { check.errorf(a, InvalidMinMaxOperand, invalidArg+"%s cannot be ordered", a) return } // The first argument is already in x and there's nothing left to do. if i > 0 { check.matchTypes(x, a) if x.mode == invalid { return } if !Identical(x.typ, a.typ) { check.errorf(a, MismatchedTypes, invalidArg+"mismatched types %s (previous argument) and %s (type of %s)", x.typ, a.typ, a.expr) return } if x.mode == constant_ && a.mode == constant_ { if constant.Compare(a.val, op, x.val) { *x = *a } } else { x.mode = value } } } // If nargs == 1, make sure x.mode is either a value or a constant. if x.mode != constant_ { x.mode = value // A value must not be untyped. check.assignment(x, &emptyInterface, "argument to built-in "+bin.name) if x.mode == invalid { return } } // Use the final type computed above for all arguments. for _, a := range args { check.updateExprType(a.expr, x.typ, true) } if check.recordTypes() && x.mode != constant_ { types := make([]Type, nargs) for i := range types { types[i] = x.typ } check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, types...)) } case _New: // new(T) // (no argument evaluated yet) T := check.varType(argList[0]) if !isValid(T) { return } x.mode = value x.typ = &Pointer{base: T} if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, T)) } case _Panic: // panic(x) // record panic call if inside a function with result parameters // (for use in Checker.isTerminating) if check.sig != nil && check.sig.results.Len() > 0 { // function has result parameters p := check.isPanic if p == nil { // allocate lazily p = make(map[*syntax.CallExpr]bool) check.isPanic = p } p[call] = true } check.assignment(x, &emptyInterface, "argument to panic") if x.mode == invalid { return } x.mode = novalue if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(nil, &emptyInterface)) } case _Print, _Println: // print(x, y, ...) // println(x, y, ...) var params []Type if nargs > 0 { params = make([]Type, nargs) for i, a := range args { check.assignment(a, nil, "argument to built-in"+predeclaredFuncs[id].name) if a.mode == invalid { return } params[i] = a.typ } } x.mode = novalue if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(nil, params...)) } case _Recover: // recover() interface{} x.mode = value x.typ = &emptyInterface if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ)) } case _Add: // unsafe.Add(ptr unsafe.Pointer, len IntegerType) unsafe.Pointer check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_17, "unsafe.Add") check.assignment(x, Typ[UnsafePointer], "argument to unsafe.Add") if x.mode == invalid { return } y := args[1] if !check.isValidIndex(y, InvalidUnsafeAdd, "length", true) { return } x.mode = value x.typ = Typ[UnsafePointer] if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, x.typ, y.typ)) } case _Alignof: // unsafe.Alignof(x T) uintptr check.assignment(x, nil, "argument to unsafe.Alignof") if x.mode == invalid { return } if hasVarSize(x.typ, nil) { x.mode = value if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(Typ[Uintptr], x.typ)) } } else { x.mode = constant_ x.val = constant.MakeInt64(check.conf.alignof(x.typ)) // result is constant - no need to record signature } x.typ = Typ[Uintptr] case _Offsetof: // unsafe.Offsetof(x T) uintptr, where x must be a selector // (no argument evaluated yet) arg0 := argList[0] selx, _ := syntax.Unparen(arg0).(*syntax.SelectorExpr) if selx == nil { check.errorf(arg0, BadOffsetofSyntax, invalidArg+"%s is not a selector expression", arg0) check.use(arg0) return } check.expr(nil, x, selx.X) if x.mode == invalid { return } base := derefStructPtr(x.typ) sel := selx.Sel.Value obj, index, indirect := lookupFieldOrMethod(base, false, check.pkg, sel, false) switch obj.(type) { case nil: check.errorf(x, MissingFieldOrMethod, invalidArg+"%s has no single field %s", base, sel) return case *Func: // TODO(gri) Using derefStructPtr may result in methods being found // that don't actually exist. An error either way, but the error // message is confusing. See: https://play.golang.org/p/al75v23kUy , // but go/types reports: "invalid argument: x.m is a method value". check.errorf(arg0, InvalidOffsetof, invalidArg+"%s is a method value", arg0) return } if indirect { check.errorf(x, InvalidOffsetof, invalidArg+"field %s is embedded via a pointer in %s", sel, base) return } // TODO(gri) Should we pass x.typ instead of base (and have indirect report if derefStructPtr indirected)? check.recordSelection(selx, FieldVal, base, obj, index, false) // record the selector expression (was bug - go.dev/issue/47895) { mode := value if x.mode == variable || indirect { mode = variable } check.record(&operand{mode, selx, obj.Type(), nil, 0}) } // The field offset is considered a variable even if the field is declared before // the part of the struct which is variable-sized. This makes both the rules // simpler and also permits (or at least doesn't prevent) a compiler from re- // arranging struct fields if it wanted to. if hasVarSize(base, nil) { x.mode = value if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(Typ[Uintptr], obj.Type())) } } else { offs := check.conf.offsetof(base, index) if offs < 0 { check.errorf(x, TypeTooLarge, "%s is too large", x) return } x.mode = constant_ x.val = constant.MakeInt64(offs) // result is constant - no need to record signature } x.typ = Typ[Uintptr] case _Sizeof: // unsafe.Sizeof(x T) uintptr check.assignment(x, nil, "argument to unsafe.Sizeof") if x.mode == invalid { return } if hasVarSize(x.typ, nil) { x.mode = value if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(Typ[Uintptr], x.typ)) } } else { size := check.conf.sizeof(x.typ) if size < 0 { check.errorf(x, TypeTooLarge, "%s is too large", x) return } x.mode = constant_ x.val = constant.MakeInt64(size) // result is constant - no need to record signature } x.typ = Typ[Uintptr] case _Slice: // unsafe.Slice(ptr *T, len IntegerType) []T check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_17, "unsafe.Slice") ptr, _ := coreType(x.typ).(*Pointer) if ptr == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidUnsafeSlice, invalidArg+"%s is not a pointer", x) return } y := args[1] if !check.isValidIndex(y, InvalidUnsafeSlice, "length", false) { return } x.mode = value x.typ = NewSlice(ptr.base) if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, ptr, y.typ)) } case _SliceData: // unsafe.SliceData(slice []T) *T check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_20, "unsafe.SliceData") slice, _ := coreType(x.typ).(*Slice) if slice == nil { check.errorf(x, InvalidUnsafeSliceData, invalidArg+"%s is not a slice", x) return } x.mode = value x.typ = NewPointer(slice.elem) if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, slice)) } case _String: // unsafe.String(ptr *byte, len IntegerType) string check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_20, "unsafe.String") check.assignment(x, NewPointer(universeByte), "argument to unsafe.String") if x.mode == invalid { return } y := args[1] if !check.isValidIndex(y, InvalidUnsafeString, "length", false) { return } x.mode = value x.typ = Typ[String] if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, NewPointer(universeByte), y.typ)) } case _StringData: // unsafe.StringData(str string) *byte check.verifyVersionf(call.Fun, go1_20, "unsafe.StringData") check.assignment(x, Typ[String], "argument to unsafe.StringData") if x.mode == invalid { return } x.mode = value x.typ = NewPointer(universeByte) if check.recordTypes() { check.recordBuiltinType(call.Fun, makeSig(x.typ, Typ[String])) } case _Assert: // assert(pred) causes a typechecker error if pred is false. // The result of assert is the value of pred if there is no error. // Note: assert is only available in self-test mode. if x.mode != constant_ || !isBoolean(x.typ) { check.errorf(x, Test, invalidArg+"%s is not a boolean constant", x) return } if x.val.Kind() != constant.Bool { check.errorf(x, Test, "internal error: value of %s should be a boolean constant", x) return } if !constant.BoolVal(x.val) { check.errorf(call, Test, "%v failed", call) // compile-time assertion failure - safe to continue } // result is constant - no need to record signature case _Trace: // trace(x, y, z, ...) dumps the positions, expressions, and // values of its arguments. The result of trace is the value // of the first argument. // Note: trace is only available in self-test mode. // (no argument evaluated yet) if nargs == 0 { check.dump("%v: trace() without arguments", atPos(call)) x.mode = novalue break } var t operand x1 := x for _, arg := range argList { check.rawExpr(nil, x1, arg, nil, false) // permit trace for types, e.g.: new(trace(T)) check.dump("%v: %s", atPos(x1), x1) x1 = &t // use incoming x only for first argument } if x.mode == invalid { return } // trace is only available in test mode - no need to record signature default: panic("unreachable") } assert(x.mode != invalid) return true } // hasVarSize reports if the size of type t is variable due to type parameters // or if the type is infinitely-sized due to a cycle for which the type has not // yet been checked. func hasVarSize(t Type, seen map[*Named]bool) (varSized bool) { // Cycles are only possible through *Named types. // The seen map is used to detect cycles and track // the results of previously seen types. if named := asNamed(t); named != nil { if v, ok := seen[named]; ok { return v } if seen == nil { seen = make(map[*Named]bool) } seen[named] = true // possibly cyclic until proven otherwise defer func() { seen[named] = varSized // record final determination for named }() } switch u := under(t).(type) { case *Array: return hasVarSize(u.elem, seen) case *Struct: for _, f := range u.fields { if hasVarSize(f.typ, seen) { return true } } case *Interface: return isTypeParam(t) case *Named, *Union: panic("unreachable") } return false } // applyTypeFunc applies f to x. If x is a type parameter, // the result is a type parameter constrained by a new // interface bound. The type bounds for that interface // are computed by applying f to each of the type bounds // of x. If any of these applications of f return nil, // applyTypeFunc returns nil. // If x is not a type parameter, the result is f(x). func (check *Checker) applyTypeFunc(f func(Type) Type, x *operand, id builtinId) Type { if tp, _ := Unalias(x.typ).(*TypeParam); tp != nil { // Test if t satisfies the requirements for the argument // type and collect possible result types at the same time. var terms []*Term if !tp.is(func(t *term) bool { if t == nil { return false } if r := f(t.typ); r != nil { terms = append(terms, NewTerm(t.tilde, r)) return true } return false }) { return nil } // We can type-check this fine but we're introducing a synthetic // type parameter for the result. It's not clear what the API // implications are here. Report an error for 1.18 (see go.dev/issue/50912), // but continue type-checking. var code Code switch id { case _Real: code = InvalidReal case _Imag: code = InvalidImag case _Complex: code = InvalidComplex default: panic("unreachable") } check.softErrorf(x, code, "%s not supported as argument to built-in %s for go1.18 (see go.dev/issue/50937)", x, predeclaredFuncs[id].name) // Construct a suitable new type parameter for the result type. // The type parameter is placed in the current package so export/import // works as expected. tpar := NewTypeName(nopos, check.pkg, tp.obj.name, nil) ptyp := check.newTypeParam(tpar, NewInterfaceType(nil, []Type{NewUnion(terms)})) // assigns type to tpar as a side-effect ptyp.index = tp.index return ptyp } return f(x.typ) } // makeSig makes a signature for the given argument and result types. // Default types are used for untyped arguments, and res may be nil. func makeSig(res Type, args ...Type) *Signature { list := make([]*Var, len(args)) for i, param := range args { list[i] = NewVar(nopos, nil, "", Default(param)) } params := NewTuple(list...) var result *Tuple if res != nil { assert(!isUntyped(res)) result = NewTuple(NewVar(nopos, nil, "", res)) } return &Signature{params: params, results: result} } // arrayPtrDeref returns A if typ is of the form *A and A is an array; // otherwise it returns typ. func arrayPtrDeref(typ Type) Type { if p, ok := Unalias(typ).(*Pointer); ok { if a, _ := under(p.base).(*Array); a != nil { return a } } return typ }